Wheely 3 By coolkid in W Tags: flash for chrome, Puzzle Games, Wheely Games Play in Fullscreen Mode Play Wheely 3 Online 12 mind teaser puzzles in Wheely 3 should be enough to keep you busy for 30 mins at least. The story starts with him going away from her. If you are done playing 12 levels, play Wheely 4. When the City SleepsWarfare ArenaWe are PiratesWater Scooter ManiaWheely 6 - The Fairytale VersionWatermelon Shooting 3DWild West SolitaireWater Slider Car RaceWater BalloonWanna OrangesWater Ragdoll 2Wheely 1 Wheely 7: The Detective VersionWave 2Winter Clash 3DWheely 8 - Aliens VersionWhack a MoleWine Cellar EscapeWhile we Sleep Slendrina is hereWater Scooter ManiaWonderboy LegendsWild West Clash MultiplayerWings Of AsenineWater Balloon