Wheely 4 – The Time Travel Version By coolkid in W Tags: flash for chrome, Puzzle Games, Wheely Games Play in Fullscreen Mode Wheel 4 Gameplay There are switches, bridges, jumps, and a lot of this that Wheely encounters while moving on its way. Your job is to identify the way to overcome those obstacles. Have you already played all levels? No Worries, go play Wheely 5. Wheat FarmWar of MoneyWater Ragdoll 2Wake Up The Box 4Wine WeddingWater Surfer BusWheelie CrossWar Gun CommandoWater Car Surfing 3DWorld War: We Under AttackWild West SolitaireWheely 2 Walking Dead in the JungleWild West Clash MultiplayerWonderboy LegendsWhack a MoleWall BreakerWine Cellar EscapeWheely 7: The Detective VersionWalk the PlankWater Ragdoll 1Wine ShopWave 2Wheelie Cross